The actual photo used in the brochure for my complex:

Little piece of heaven huh?
I'm trying to stay positive. Telling myself all the bullshit lies people fall back on when things don't go their way. Just wasn't meant to be.....Something better will come along..... When one door closes another one opens....... God has a different plan in mind.... Well except for that last one because even I'm not delusional enough to buy into that.
When I'm not wasting time trying to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, my future doesn't consist solely of lonely nights filled only with cheap vodka and never ending tears, I'm trying to deal with the immense guilt I'm feeling due to the fact that after all the years my mom has helped me out, I cannot return the favor. Needless to say, I am in fact more fun than a barrel of monkeys these days. I'm hoping my own patented brand of self medication (IE alcohol, frozen pizza drowning in Ranch dressing and self pity) will eventually pull me out of my funk. Yep, this is the year, I can just feel it!!