Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Long Time, No Blog
Still living in my craptastic apartment, but that is all about to change at the end of the month. I am (for the first time in my life) shacking up with a gentleman caller. And I'm doing it after knowing him for 4 months. What could go wrong?? The GC is quite swell and we're pretty sweet on one another, but pretty sure I'm equally excited and terrified. I love that I have my own little place to retreat to when the fuss starts to boil over. I love that if I choose not to shower for days on end (ok, usually just the weekend) I can wallow in my own filth without judgement. I can eat Totino's pizza, macaroni salad, a gallon of Pepsi and a tub of ice cream in front of the tube without having to worry the GC thinks I'm a total pig. And I absolutely LOVE that every Sunday I can buy a magnum of wine, drink the whole god damn thing and crack clean my apartment. What will the GC think when he comes home and I'm 3 sheets to the wind and scrubbing the floorboards with a toothbrush? Won't seeing me look like hell every morning take away from some of the magic? Do I have to walk into the other room to fart?
I guess I've just enjoyed living alone for the most part, but I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Plus he's got a back yard for Sir Stinks Too Much, and I'm planning on asking if we can get a chicken. Fresh eggs and no guilt, AWESOME.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Summertime And The Livin' Is Easy

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Dream Is Dead
The actual photo used in the brochure for my complex:

Little piece of heaven huh?
I'm trying to stay positive. Telling myself all the bullshit lies people fall back on when things don't go their way. Just wasn't meant to be.....Something better will come along..... When one door closes another one opens....... God has a different plan in mind.... Well except for that last one because even I'm not delusional enough to buy into that.
When I'm not wasting time trying to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, my future doesn't consist solely of lonely nights filled only with cheap vodka and never ending tears, I'm trying to deal with the immense guilt I'm feeling due to the fact that after all the years my mom has helped me out, I cannot return the favor. Needless to say, I am in fact more fun than a barrel of monkeys these days. I'm hoping my own patented brand of self medication (IE alcohol, frozen pizza drowning in Ranch dressing and self pity) will eventually pull me out of my funk. Yep, this is the year, I can just feel it!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Reality Is Indeed A Bitch
On a side note, I think Kitty Piss would be a great name for a girl band.
My dreams of mansion living have been a bit dashed at this point as it looks as though this:

may be a bit more in my price range. Only without the yard because Vegas landscaping consists of 4 square feet of rocks. My future back yard:
Think I'll put the BBQ riiiight there
But I cannot be deterred. I am not made for apartment living, what with having the ability to hear, a fondness of protecting personal property and of course my disdain of human interaction. Although I will miss the roaches, excuse me "water bugs" as Las Vegians prefer to call them.
Last weekend I actually witnessed my dumbass of a neighbor yelling at his dog to do his business.I shit you not, while bending over and pointing at this poor, scared little creature, he told the dog "You can either go now, or not at all, it's YOUR decision". Well that's just fucking brilliant. Because everyone knows dogs are very rational creatures, so I'm sure as soon as the dog took a minute to consider how inconsiderate his lack of pooping in a timely manner was to his owner, he complied without future incident. This guy should be presented to anyone who believes abortion should be illegal.
So call U-haul, I gots to be moving on. I may end up living in an outhouse, but it will be my outhouse, complete with plumbing issues and HOA fees. Good times.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Movin' On Up

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mariachi Madness
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Too Old for Da Club